The Tanji lab is mainly engaged in experimental research in the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED),
in which the quantum mechanical properties of light are prominent in its interactions with matter.
In particular, we have been investigating the strong interaction between atoms and
photons by confining laser-cooled gas phase neutral atoms (several tens of μK) in an optical resonator.
The research aims to create new quantum technologies based on the control
of quantum states of light and atoms through two approaches:
- Development of a "quantum light source" using cold atoms in an optical cavity
- Control of matter by light at a few photon level and even lower
We are engaged in research aimed at the creation of new quantum technologies
based on the control of quantum states of light and atoms.
Recently, we have also been working on the observation of weak luminescence emitted from living organisms.


Mar. 1,2024
Assoc. prof. Haruka Tanji-Suzuki gave a lecture for second-year students of Toho Girls' Senior High School.
Congratulations to Tomoka Yamaguchi, who received the Best Presentation Award
at the 2022 Master's Thesis Presentation of the Applied Physics Program!
Assoc. prof. Haruka Tanji received the 20th JSPS Prize.
Welcome to Koya Himeno and Shi-Yuan Wu who just joined the group!